Larry Grimes taught at EDS from 1976 until 1983. "Doc" as he was fondly referred to by his students wore many hats both literally and figuratively. Teacher, counselor, mentor, yearbook advisor, tennis and basketball coach. Always passionate about serving others, Doc was also a veteran firefighter for the Newburgh Volunteer Fire Department and ultimately became their chief. He was a graduate of Castle High School, Wabash College, and Indiana University School of Law, where he studied after finishing his teaching tenure at EDS, before returning to the Evansville community to practice law. When not busy working or volunteering, Doc was most often spotted tooling around his beloved Newburgh in his jeep. On the day prior to his untimely passing, Doc was elected to be the judge in the Warrick Circuit Court.
To honor Doc's legacy, the Alumni Association has created "The Larry Grimes Heart Award" to be presented to at least one teacher each year who goes above and beyond in their teaching and personal care for students. Additionally, this award is backed by an endowment to award $1000 cash to at least one teacher, nominated by parents or students. You can donate to the endowment to help grow the fund and sustain the cash gift for many years to come.